Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and Stress

I started working with Iona at a time in my life when I was struggling with anxiety, was increasingly becoming paranoid and was drinking every night to avoid thinking about traumatic experiences that I have experienced throughout my life. In our first session, Iona explained how the two sides of the brain work and how my thoughts and reactions were a natural primitive human instinct to protective myself from perceived threats and how hypnotherapy could help me retrain my brain to utilise the logical side of the brain to think positively and more rationally. This explanation really resonated with me and at a time when I was emotionally at an all time low, through working with Iona, I began to understand that I can’t change the past, but the way I think and consequently act can help make the future more positive for me and those around me. I have now become more aware of when I am beginning to feel anxious (e.g. stiffening of shoulders, fidgeting, voice heightening} and have been able to take a minute to recollect myself and be more rational in my thoughts and focus on the possible positive outcomes. Life will always present different challenges, but Iona has helped me feel more resilient and more positive about the future. Thank you, Iona.

A Client - Perth

Iona Lawson Hypnotherapy

A Client - Perth

I started working with Iona at a time in my life when I was struggling with anxiety, was increasingly becoming paranoid and was drinking every night to avoid thinking about traumatic experiences that I have experienced throughout my life. In our first session, Iona explained how the two sides of the brain work and how my thoughts and reactions were a natural primitive human instinct to protective myself from perceived threats and how hypnotherapy could help me retrain my brain to utilise the logical side of the brain to think positively and more rationally. This explanation really resonated with me and at a time when I was emotionally at an all time low, through working with Iona, I began to understand that I can’t change the past, but the way I think and consequently act can help make the future more positive for me and those around me. I have now become more aware of when I am beginning to feel anxious (e.g. stiffening of shoulders, fidgeting, voice heightening} and have been able to take a minute to recollect myself and be more rational in my thoughts and focus on the possible positive outcomes. Life will always present different challenges, but Iona has helped me feel more resilient and more positive about the future. Thank you, Iona.