Fears and Phobias

Fear or phobiaA phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of a situation, place, object, feeling or an animal. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about an object or a situation. Sometimes a phobia may become so severe that people organise their life around avoiding that thing that causes the anxiety.

Symptoms people often have when they encounter their phobia are increased heart rate, sweating, trembling and shaking, feeling sick, shortness of breath. If you don’t encounter your phobia on a daily basis it may not impact your everyday life but some do such as agoraphobia.

The good news is that Solution Focused Hypnotherapy has a specific type of therapy that can help retrain the mind called Rewind and Reframe. You can essentially remove the emotion attached to your phobia and rewrite the template that your brain uses when it next encounters your phobia. At the Initial Consultation we would discuss the appropriate therapy for you.